Pattern Postie started over 6 years ago after a frustrating search to purchase patterns in a store with a baby and toddler in tow. There had to be an easier way, so I looked online, found nothing, and realised it could be a great business opportunity. The next few months were pretty frantic as I sourced the patterns and figure out how to put a website together. The business runs from my home and grew to a point where we had to convert our garage, much to my husband’s dismay!
Pattern Postie started with 3 brands of patterns and now has 10 different brands in stock including an extensive range of Ottobre and Burda sewing magazines. I pride myself on keeping good stock levels and looking after the patterns (I have my own private collection as well!). It amazes me that there are patterns for (a doggy superman costume?) and I have learned not to second guess what will or won’t sell, as it is often not what you expect!

Extra items are always being added to the website, especially the trim, haberdashery and buttons. I often buy something because I like the look of it and it is rewarding when someone else thinks it is worth buying.
A speciality of Patter Postie is the huge variety of out of print patterns and Burda magazines that can be very hard to find. These sell well internationally as well as people can’t find them in their local stores.
Singer sewing machines and Tailormade sewing cabinets and cutting tables have been fantastic additions to my inventory as they are great quality products and my customers are really happy with the quality.
I get some great feedback from my customers who sometimes send me pictures of their completed projects. I enjoy the personal contact with them and it’s nice to know that it is appreciated, as it’s not something you experience with the larger corporates
There is a $100 Pattern Postie Pattern Pack available for first place of each category of the Very Vintage Dressmaking Competition!
Check out Pattern Postie on their website and get sewing!
Hya Bronwyn. I bought a lovely sewing table from you a wee while back. Am still loving it.
Just to ask. Do you sell craft pr sewing lights?